PT Solusi Manufaktur Teknologi is the only a tech-based company that works end to end on the ecosystem of the manufacturing industry, trading industry, mining, plantations, logistics, banking, finance, insurance, and others in Indonesia. We are developing applications and marketplace platforms that comprehensively offers a variety of comprehensive solutions for industrial-class companies in Indonesia and also the Company trading partners around the world. Currently we are focusing working on thousands of industries in Indonesia, both National Companies and Multinational Companies
PT Solusi Manufaktur Teknologi is the only a tech-based company that works end to end on the ecosystem of the manufacturing industry, trading industry, mining, plantations, logistics, banking, finance, insurance, and others in Indonesia. We are developing applications and marketplace platforms that comprehensively offers a variety of comprehensive solutions for industrial-class companies in Indonesia and also the Company trading partners around the world. Currently we are focusing working on thousands of industries in Indonesia, both National Companies and Multinational Companies
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