Sanbe Farma
4.0 total penilaian dari 142 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Situs web


Healthcare & Medical

Ukuran perusahaan

1.001-5.000 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jalan Tamansari, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
PT Sanbe Farma adalah perusahaan farmasi yang berkantor pusat di Bandung, saat ini Kami sedang membutuhkan karyawan baru yang professional, cekatan dan bertanggung jawab untuk dapat bergabung bersama kamiSanbe Farma was founded in 1975. As of now after more than three decades since inception, we are the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Indonesia and according the recent IMS Report, we rank highest among all the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Indonesia including Multinational Companies. Out of top 10 products ethically prescribed, 4 products are from Sanbe. Our market coverage in Indonesia includes more than 37,000 Doctors served by 1,000 Medical Representatives, through our associate’s net-work of 1,100 Sales persons, 35 depots, 60 sub-depots and our corporate work force consisting 8,000 personnel. Our eight manufacturing facilities in Indonesia are cGMP approved plants as per the International Standards. Our sterile preparations unit (LVPs & SVPs) is the first in South East Asia with State-of-the-Art manufacturing equipment and technology from US and Europe and PIC(S) & TGA, Australia compliant.Our international operations in 20 countries are set to make substantial contribution to the global healthcare. Our international operations cover not only export of our formulations to various developing and under developed countries, but also seek partnerships and alliances from and to developed and regulated markets such as North America and Europe with an aim to put Sanbe Farma on the global map to supply Generic and specialty formulations not only for Indonesia but also to the rest of the world. We are also looking for new acquisitions in potential markets to make our products globally available at affordable prices.Our propinquity to invest in profitable and strategic ventures would encourage potential and strategic companies to partner with us for mutual benefit not only for generic formulations but also for New Drug Delivery Systems (NDDs), New Chemical Entities (NCEs) and Biosimilar products.We are committed to strive for continued achievement to provide quality products for quality health through our sincere endeavor to become global generic pharmaceutical manufacturer from Indonesia in the days to come.

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Ulasan dan penilaian

4.0142 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

Administration Officer
Mar 2024
West Bandung West Java3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
I have worked at PT Sanbe Farma for quite a long time and I am very proud to be able to work for this company. friends and also good bosses who make me feel comfortable working at this company.
Hal yang baikI am happy to be able to work at PT SANBE FARMA. I gained knowledge and insight into the world of pharmacy.
TantanganI have to be able to work nimbly and also have to focus on making packing lists and travel documents.
Medical representative
Oct 2023
Mataram2010-2012, sumbawa2014-20163 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Mempunyai pengalaman dan diajarkan cara komunikaai yang baik
Hal yang baikAda jaminan kesehatan, pengalaman berkomunikasi jadi lebih baik. Merasa berkembang diperusahaan tersebut. Team leader yang bagus, saling support, selalu memberi solusi ketika terjadi persoalan.
TantanganPenyalah gunaan wewenang supervisor yang baru.
Oct 2023
Pekerjaannya mudah tapi butuh ketelitian dan disiplin n diaipl
Hal yang baikPekerjaannya Bisa santai, sibuknya ketika akhir bulan dan menghadapi meeting bulanan.
TantanganRekap data bahan meeting yang waktunya mepet.
Penilaian untuk Sanbe Farma ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Sanbe Farma. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.