Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Retail & Consumer Products

Ukuran perusahaan

51-100 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl. Kapuk Kamal Raya No. 35, Rt 002 Rw 03 kel. kapuk kec. cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11720
PT. ARSANA RETAIL INDONESIA, which focuses on fashion ritail baby and kids accessories, with the combination of good design, nice style, and high-quality products to position our consumers at the highest level possible.Currently, we have more than 100 employees who are spirited and eager to face any challenges. Since the beginning of its establishment, PT. ARSANA RETAIL INDONESIA has been able to carry out the needs of the business fashion to keep growing and expanding.

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