MMS Group Indonesia (MMSGI) is a natural resources Unicorn company with 3 main business pillars , namely MMS Resources, MMS Land, and MMS Solution with span of operation across Indonesia. One of the MMSGIs portfolios is PT Multi Harapan Utama, a company which holds IUPK (formerly PKP2B) license in East Kalimantan under MMSResources.MMS RESOURCES - Coal Mining and TradingMMS Resources is a pillar of MMSGI's business established in 2012. The focus of MMS Resources' activities lies on coal production and trading with main business operations located in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan and Banjar, South Kalimantan. MMS Resources provides energy to help Indonesia grow sustainably.MMS LAND - Property DevelopmentMMS Land is a business pillar established in 2018 to oversee the MMSGI property sector. MMS Land's businesses includes the management and development of residential and commercial properties such as residential housing (minicity), hotels and office buildings. In addition, MMS Land also develops and manages data centers as an effort to provide digital infrastructure which plays a vital role in encouraging innovation for the people of the nation.MMS SOLUTION - Sustainable IndustryMMS Solution is the pillar for MMSGI's effort in transitioning the company towards sustainable businesses. The principle of business diversification is a key philosophy in developing MMS Solution’s business pillar. Currently, MMS Solution is developing a number of projects including, a solar power plant, an integrated high-tech corn farm with a mini ranch and a nickel smelter.