KING’S Group of Education, which was established in 1981, be active in educational field, both formal and informal. Our division are KING’S English and Education Centre, PRINCE’S Cre@tive School and Indonesia-Britain Education Centre (ibec).KING’S EEC is our English Division that has been known for more than 30 years in Indonesia.PRINCE’S Cre@tive School, is a National School that has INTERNATIONAL concept. Our school has 3 concepts : Multi Skills, Multi-Religions and Multi-Cultural by giving the guidance to the students not only become a smart student and have multi skills, but also have a high toleration to every Religion and Beliefs, have a good attitude and high morality, and also have respect to the cultures based on our slogan “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. Our Mission is about becoming “Creative School” because we believe that creativity is the mother of the talent building.ibec, that was established in the middle of 1998, is the formal representative of universities and colleges in England. Our mission is giving informatioan and guidance to the students who want to continue their education to other universities and colleges in England.