Staf Negosiator Penagihan - Tegal, Rembang, Grobogan - Purwodadi

Central Java
Sales Representatives/Consultants (Sales)
Full time
Rp 2.100.000 – Rp 3.150.000 per month
Posted 10h ago

Job Description  : 

  • Bertugas dan bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan penagihan atau penarikan unit kepada konsumen yang memiliki keterlambatan angsuran 31-90 hari
  • Mengirimkan surat peringatan kepada konsumen yang terlambat bayar


  •  Pendidikan min. SMA (Berpengalaman) atau Diploma (Lulusan Baru) 
  • Berusia maksimal 33th. 
  • Komunikatif dan memiliki SIM C aktif  
  • Berpengalaman di sales/marketing lebih disukai
  • Bersedia untuk penempatan di Tegal, Pekalongan  Grobogan-Purwodadi

Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Berapa gaji bulanan yang kamu inginkan?
  • Kualifikasi mana yang kamu miliki?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Debt Collection Negotiator?
  • Apakah kamu memiliki surat izin mengemudi Indonesia yang masih aktif?

Company profile

Company Logo for BFI Finance Indonesia
Banking & Financial ServicesMore than 10,000 employees

PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) is one of the long-established pioneers in the financing sector in Indonesia. Founded in 1982, BFI Finance is recognized as a company with a wide network, supported by more than 200 financing outlets across provinces. In 1990, the Company became one of the first multifinance companies to list its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange (both now known as IDX), with the ticker code BFIN.

Perks and benefits
Multiple Medical Benefits
Car/Motorcycle Ownership Program
Low Rate Employee Loans

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