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11-50 karyawan
PT. UWT IndonesiaAs an Indonesian company that complies with numerous international standards, UWT Indonesia is a sole Solution Partner of the Singapore-based United Water Technologies Pte Ltd, which was founded in 2005.Reliability is Never CompromisedWhen it comes to the complete purification of water and wastewater, never compromise. UWT Indonesia has always been integrating the latest innovations in water treatment technology to guarantee purity and reliability, while producing breakthrough solutions. From chemical, life sciences, mining, marine, to F&B industry, our precisely engineered treatment systems are designed to accommodate every client’s operational processes.All-Round SupportBy leveraging our international exposure and proven track records in the industrial and municipal water treatment industry, our goal is to help you tackle wastewater and water scarcity challenges by providing cutting edge membrane technologies manufactured in Singapore and Indonesia. Equipped with a fast-responding customer service team, know that we are always within your reach throughout your water treatment process.Our Connections, Your StrengthsUWT Indonesia strategically partners with highly experienced subsidiaries and affiliates to help support you with chemical solutions and civil construction services, hence giving your company the upper-hand through improved water treatment operations and further unlocking future business potentials.

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Electrical engineer dan teknisi
Aug 2019
Kirana boutique office,kelapa gading jakarta utara5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Pengalaman selama bekerja
Hal yang baikBanyak ilmu yang di dapat dan kerja dengan team yang solid
Tantangandi tuntut untuk bisa memecahkan masalah dan mengatasi troble
Penilaian untuk UWT Indonesia (Jakarta) ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di UWT Indonesia (Jakarta). Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.