Vision : Being a large company that can be reliable in the development of national telecommunications.Mission : Provision of goods and services in the telecommunications sector in order to satisfy customer needs.Corporate GovernancePT. Tunas Cahaya Mandiri Widyatama has been assigned six corporate governance that become guidance for all of the employee to operate the company. This is the sixth corporate governance :CLEANManaged as professional to avoid the clash of benefit, there is no tolerance of bribe, respect the trust and integrity. Guidance to the base of good corporate governance.COMPETITIVEBeing able to competitive in regional or national scaleCONFIDENTRole in economy development and build the pride of nationCUSTOMER FOCUSOriented in customer interest and commit to give the best services for the customer.COMMERCIALCreated the value added with maximal orientation , to take a decision based on the healthy bussiness principalCAPABLEManaged by the professional leader and employee that have talent and technic mastery