SYSTEMIQ is a catalyzation of good disruptions in critical economic systems. These disruptions are not only vital to the future of humanity and our planet; they also open up immense opportunities for the businesses that drive them.SYSTEMIQ was launched in 2016 to accelerate businesses to recognize the value in driving sustainable change by transforming economic systems much faster and stopping the degradation of natural resources.We have set out to achieve our mission through a unique portfolio of activities which include:Building and supporting coalitions – of leaders with the knowledge, experience and authority to shape policies and business strategies that will rapidly transform economic activity in line with the UN and Paris targetsCo-creating and incubating – the market solutions most likely to build regenerative economic systems, in partnership with businesses, governments, non-profits and other institutionsInvesting – our own capital and expertise in early-stage ventures with the biggest potential to drive rapid system changeWe are uniquely equipped for these activities by the experience, expertise and energy of our partners and associates, based in London, Munich and Jakarta.