Terrible working environment
Hal-hal baikStarbucks accepts students with no experience and inflexible working hours. They adjust your working schedule according to your college/class schedule. They are also generous with salary and incentives. The job here is not complicated once you get the hang of it.
TantanganStarbucks is a renown international company. It's not just any coffeeshop, it's Starbucks. The traffic will always be high. During my first week working here (I have no previous working experience), I was expected to compete with my seniors and perform as good as they could. This of course was a ridiculous demand. There are also a lot of SOPs, even through my months of training, I still make mistakes. During closing hours, there are many items to be cleaned, thus would take a lot of time. Before closing hours, there is a so-called "Pre-closing" in which we utilize to prepare for closing. Despite over than 3 hours of Pre-closing and over than 2 hours of closing, I still don't get off work in time.