Selamat Sempurna
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Komplek Industri ADR Group, Jl. Raya PLP Curug No. 88, Bitung - Tangerang
ADR Group is a group of companies focusing its activities in the production and distribution of automotive components. It was established in 1973 with its first company, CV Auto Diesel Radiators Co., of which the name ADR originated from.Currently ADR Group has four business divisions : Automotive, Agro, Property and Financial Services Division.ADR Group Automotive Division has 7 manufacturing Companies and 5 Distribution Companies.MANUFACTURING COMPANIESADR Group's manufacturing companies are located in Kapuk, Jakarta on a 5-hectare land and in Tangerang, Banten, on a 75-hectare land.PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk.The flagship of ADR Group and currently one of the largest filter & radiator manufacturers in the region. Sakura filter trademark has been registered to more than 90 countries worldwide.PT. Panata Jaya MandiriA joint venture company with Donaldson Company Inc. USA (a worldwide leader in filtration industry). The Company manufacturers filtration products for heavy equipments, gas turbines, industrial engines, cinstruction equipments & automotivesPT. Hydraxle PerkasaBegan its operation by assembling dump trucks & hoists and special purpose vehicles. The company subsequently made further investments in a steel centre, tool & die, mould, and machinery centre.PT. Selamat Sempana PerkasaManufactures rubber O-rings, rubber components, rubber compounds, polyurethanes, and plastisol adhesives for automotive industries. The products are exported to various countries.PT. Rubberindo Unggul PerkasaManufactures rubber compounds for automotive parts industries.PT. Dinamikajaya BumipersadaSpecializes in manufacturing engine gasket kits, plastic injection parts, and packaging.DISTRIBUTION COMPANIESPT. Prapat Tunggal CiptaSpecializes on the distribution of the Group's products in Indonesian aftermarket sectorsPT. Mangatur DharmaA trading house and represents Donaldson products. Its role in Indonesia is to provide technical sales to various industries, ranging from power plants to oil and gas industries.PT. Cahaya Mitra GemilangSpecializes in the distribution of the group's products in North Sumatra and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (or aftermarket sector).PT. Prima Auto IndonesiaA Sole Agent/ Distributor of Baotou Bei Ben Heavy Duty Truck Co. Ltd. Its products are widely used in industries, such as Mining, Harbor Management, Forestry, and Construction & Transportation.The group marketing strategy is to serve several sectors. OEM/OES, replacement and contract manufacturing play equal role.Our contract manufacturing business allows us to manufacture for key industry leaders in automotive component business, corporate whole sellers and retailers. To remain competitive in the global markets, high quality and products performance are not an option but a prerequisite.Coupled with excellent services, quick response and cost advantage, we believe that these would lead us to achieve our motto “To Give the Customer a Better Choice.”List OEM/OES Supplier ofBei Ben - Chery - Chevrolet - Daihatsu - Ford - Foton - Greatwall - Hino - Hitachi - Holden - Honda - Hyundai - Isuzu - JCB - KIA - Kobelco - Komatsu - Kubota - Mazda - Mercedes Benz - Mitsubishi - Nissan - UD Trucks - Suzuki - TCM - Toyota - Yanmar - Shanghai Diesel Engine - Anhui Hualing Automobile - Shantui Construction Machinery, etc.Our export networks have reached to more than 115 countries. Australia Netherland China Russia Ecuador Singapore France Switzerland Germany Taiwan India Thailand Italy U.A.E. Japan U.S.A. Korea United Kingdom Malaysia Vietnam Myanmar Etc.

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Drafter Engineer
Dec 2024
Tangerang Regency BantenLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Working here I learned a lot about work pressure in this factory
Hal yang baikWhen I worked here, I started to enter the world of work, at that time I was given a job drawing engines and radiators.
TantanganMy challenge at that time was to draw a machine because my major was not mechanical engineering, so I just learned about the world of machinery.
Operator produksi
May 2023
BitungLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Pengalaman saya
Hal yang baikKerja di sini memambg enak, orang-orangnya pun asik, adapun alasan saya ketika kerja, lemburan saya tidak di bayar, karna saya waktu itu masuk dengan cara melalui pihak yayasan
TantanganTantangan yg baru yaitu saat anda baru oertama masuk di dalam oerusahan tsb
May 2023
Dengan lingkungan kerja yang sangat baik untuk mengembangkan skill
Hal yang baikBanyak hal saya belajar disini lingkungan kerja yang nyaman prasarana yang memadai menunjang karir yang baik bisa mengembangkan skill dan menghargai waktu
TantanganPermintaan yang mendadak diluar list
Penilaian untuk Selamat Sempurna ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
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