Has experience in handling graphic design jobs and creative projects in 5 years as a freelancerHal yang baikI am very interested in businesses and emerging markets in Southeast Asia and I think this company has a good team that can help develop my skills and soft skills to suit this industry.
Talking about graphic design and the creative industry, I think I have enough experience with handling graphic design projects as a designer or creative director in my own design studio, or as an expert to handle design projects in government and several companies. I have this experience for 5 years in the world of graphic design and creative industries
TantanganI'm not used to the atmosphere of working in an office and also my English language skills are still lacking so I still need to learn a lot.
And if I am accepted by the Bali branch of the EMerhub I have to bring my small family there because I live in Bandung so I will need to adapt to a new environment.