Bad Working Experience (Toxic Environment, Poor Work/Life Balance)Hal yang baikClean office, quite strategic area, comprehensive working facilities & equipment.
TantanganToxic working environment. Unprofessional HR & management. Poor work/life balance, their review system is completely broken and insanely biased. Employees that are found to be treating others horribly are left free to do as they please while others with no performance complaints are tossed out. They keep mixing the personal with the professional in the wrong way. Sick leave with a doctor's note is considered a fake note for no apparent reason. Majority of the employees are always late, rude, and overtly disrespectful. I have never seen so many so-called adult workers act like children. Some of the employee continuously mistreats it's team members and backbite team members. They will talk to you and treat you like you are absolutely nothing. They don't care about your well being, your mental health or anything. They will also move you to a different department without briefing just because you have some personal issues with other employee, they will go behind you and your managers back to avoid confrontation. Everyone is out for themselves and will make it nearly impossible to progress your career unless you have intercourse with the manager. Overall toxic environment with high employee dissatisfaction.
Advice to Management: Go take a course on how to professionally conduct yourself in a work environment and learn how to treat your employees better.