Revenue Tower, Lantai 20 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan 12190
Reddog is a Food & Beverage Korean Restaurant that sells Korean Hotdog and Topokki. Here, we are looking for the best candidates that suit our company's Vision & Mission. Currently we have 50+ branches all over Indonesia. We want you to be a part of us, to work, develop, and grow together to make Reddog #1 Korean Restaurant in Indonesia.
Reddog is a Food & Beverage Korean Restaurant that sells Korean Hotdog and Topokki. Here, we are looking for the best candidates that suit our company's Vision & Mission. Currently we have 50+ branches all over Indonesia. We want you to be a part of us, to work, develop, and grow together to make Reddog #1 Korean Restaurant in Indonesia.
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