Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Wholesale Businesses

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jalan Lautze, Central Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
IKA WIRA NIAGA authorized distributor of KOYO Ball and Roller Bearings in Indonesia starts its operation in May 1994. At the early stage of the beginning-during obtained cooperation and appointed as KOYO Ball and Roller Bearings Distributor officially by KOYO Singapore Bearings PTE Ltd. Where surely approved by KOYO SEIKO Co. Ltd, Japan.Our first office was located at Krekot Jaya Molek Block AC No. 6 Jakarta, present IKA WIRA NIAGA in order to highly appreciate an excellent support and great coorperation among customers and principal has chosen newly address starting since 1998 on Jalan Lautze No. 1K-3K Jakarta Pusat.Our vision is to make IKA WIRA NIAGA as the best services management company in Indonesia in order to get our mission to give the best services to our customers throughout developing our internal and external services.As posses various number of products followed by well-known and excellent brand image, KOYO Ball and Roller Bearings has an optimum variable of bearings and related products as well as services provided. We are therefore developing marketing system based on KOYO SEIKO grand strategy to entering Indonesia domestic bearings market within 2 segments area which are :1. After Market ( AM )2. Original Equipment Manufacture ( OEM )Since being founded, penetrating hugely bearing domestic market and now entering millenium era IKA WIRA NIAGA has starting to upgrade into highest level of domestic climate of competition and continual improvement on time-to-time base is major consideration as well as principal order.

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