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Healthcare & Medical

Ukuran perusahaan

51-100 karyawan
Here for YouPrimaya Hospital is a transformation and a new form of Awal Bros Hospital which started from the deceaced's wish. H. Awaloeddin to participate in improving health services in Indonesia. On August 29, 1998, Awal Bros Hospital was first inaugurated in Pekanbaru which was managed by Ir. H. Arfan Awaloeddin, MARS.Primaya Hospital is a globally recognized hospital group with 9 operating hospitals in major cities in Indonesia.We received gold seal of approval in quality and patient safety from Joint Commission International for four of our hospitals, making us the hospital group in Indonesia with the most number of hospitals accredited by JCI.Vision: Become a leading international health service / Hospital networkMission: Providing professional health care with careValues:Profesional: Committed to working in accordance with the best abilities in their field, full of responsibilities and in accordance with the ethics of the job profession.Rapih: Always do the work systematically, regularly, clean, complete and fun.Ibadah: Appreciate the differences in each individual's background, positive thinking and enthusiasm at work.Mendengarkan: Trying to understand and respect the opinions of others, the process of listening to each other will build effective communication.Asertif: Able to communicate well and honestly.

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