Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Human Resources & Recruitment

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jalan Professor Doktor Latumeten Nomor 19. Perkantoran Grogol Permai, Blok C47. Jelambar, Special Capital Region of West Jakarta, Indonesia
PRIMA INTI MANDIRI as a national/domestic private company in the field of the human resources services. Departing from high motivation and optimism about a thought to improve human resources that has the value of productivity and able to compete in the world of work, then we present as an outsourcing service, which as a solution to thge needs of companies to have resources, fronted by individuals who are trained, educated and dedicated professionally in their field and always meet the commitment to the customer satisfaction.We also provide excellent service through a system of effective, timely and accurate in every process of recruitment, safety assurance system (JAMSOSTEK), healt insurance and also includes payment of employee salaries are always on time. That is our scope of service in the management of human resources.We Realize that the key to success in the management of outsourcing services is situated on the system of recruitmen or employee ecceptance. With a good and proper system of recruitment in accordance with the characteristics of an aplycant who is needed, as to create the right place and right job and not omnly that, also the vision, mission and philosofie of users also will be achieved.

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