Phoenix communications
3.7 total penilaian dari 3 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Advertising, Marketing & Communications

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl.Kemang Utara VII/19C- Jakarta Selatan (12730)
PT. Phoenix Communications was founded in 2009 with a view to create a new voice in modern publishing in Indonesia. The company is best known for its regional media brands: NOW! Jakarta and NOW! Bali Magazines.Founded by Alistair G. Speirs and Barbara Janthy Nihardjo, Phoenix is a well-established company with a long history of marketing, advertising and publishing.Under Phoenix Communications is also a sustainability advocacy and consultancy brand, MVB Indonesia; a creative and advertising services department; and a book publishing department.We believe that having a wide variety of services keeps us in contact with the right people, keeps us focused on the quality of service we offer, and enables us to have some strong team with a wide array of skills. This team includes graphic designers, editors, writers, sales & marketing expert, branding specialist, event organisers and sustainability consultant. All skills we believe are needed in todays communication industry.

Phoenix communications foto

Ulasan dan penilaian

3.73 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

Digital Manager
Dec 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Good place to learn
Hal yang baikA small company means a small family, so each company could know each other better. A very good company for fresh graduates to get a lot experiences.
TantanganCan't make your own decisions, even when you're in managerial positions, especially when you need some budget for the company's development.
Nov 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Menjadi photographer
Hal yang baiksangat lah baik, bertemu dengan orang banyak. kenal dengan orang banyak dan bisa belajar dari berbagai sudut pandang berbeda, selain itu apa yang kita photo tidak sama selalu ada perbedaan itu yg membuat kita bisa mendapat berbagai pengalaman
Tantangansulit karna kadang waktunya tidak bisa ditebak
Head of Department
Jul 2017
South Jakarta, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
A challenge to have a more better leadership style
Hal yang baikdo not have to wear formal clothes everyday
Tantanganto have staff who is older than me and quite difficult to work with at the beginning. to have staff who is quite introvert but has high-commitment to the job, she has difficulty to work with other teams​ at the beginning.
Penilaian untuk Phoenix communications ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Phoenix communications. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.