Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Wholesale Businesses

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Plaza Mutiara lt 10 suite 1001 Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Kav. E 1.2, No. 1-2 Jakarta 12950
There's a reason why we call ourselves MACROKIOSK; we empower our customers to take on bigger things by leveraging on flexible, sustainable and expandable mobile technologies.As a game-changing mobile technology enabler, one of Asia's most experienced and established, we ensure that our customers always see the bigger picture; that every business has the potential to reach a wider, friendlier and more lucrative audience.So to us, size does matter. The size of our network that is.That's why over the past decade, we've built relationships with mobile operators worldwide, providing a combined subscriber base of which totals more than 2 billion subscribers.That's 2 billion potential customers, contacts and partners.2 billion new leads to convert.2 billion friends to be made.2 billion relationships to nurture.That's an immense market to capitalize on, whatever business you're in.From banking and telecommunications to education, entertainment and healthcare, we've had a diverse range of customers calling on us to power their initiatives.So if you're ready to take a MACRO view, talk to us.It's time to think bigger than you've ever thought before.

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