Corporate Culture The success of the Bank achieve strategic objectives depends heavily on the support , contributions , and commitment from Bank of qualified human resources as well as having appropriate competence in maximizing organizational performance . Employees who are competent and customer -oriented is a factor that ensures the realization of the promise of Panin Bank to customers in providing superior banking services . To achieve this consistently Panin Bank continues to encourage the development of the individuals within it . With a career system and a comprehensive assessment of work performance , Panin Bank ensures that employees receive appropriate rewards . In addition the system development prepared in stages following the development of responsibility and career progression of each individual contributors to the formation of a superior human resources . Banks realize that each individual in the organization as a whole can only go forward if the company has a positive work culture . This is realized through the implementation of labor values are summarized in the I - CARE ( Integrity , Collaboration , Accountability , Respect and Excellence ) . Application of I- CARE in all aspects of the work allows employees to understand their role as part of the customer service process at the same position the employee to be able to work together with the vision and mission of Panin Bank to go ahead .