Profil Perusahaan

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Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Epicentrum, Karet, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
Established in 1947 as a firm involved in the foundation work for dam,we at Nittoc Construction have since been producing many outstanding records in a wide range of civil engineering works for dam,river,road,sewage,water supply and land development.In our Nittoc,large numbers of professionals are enrolled respectively as civil engineer,geologist and other specialist,who are also richly experienced in the actual on-site construction works.To meet the requirements of the days,they have been working hard to develop a variety of innovative technologies and to create related engineering methods or applications in the sphere of "Environment,Disaster Prevention,Renovation and Maintenance",the very area of expertise the company has been offering to date,in particular.Displaying all the collective strength upon the united teamwork between the technical or technological staffs and those involved in the actual on-site works of engineering for the foundation,slope stabilization,soil improvement,geological survey,etc.,we at Nittoc have also been working hard to offer the services of high quality under the authentication of ISO9001 as the "General Contractor excelling at a Certain Specialized Civil Engineering Work".The construction is now under a very harsh climate in the business we've never been experiencing before,while the social needs for national land conservation,preservation of natural environment and furthermore,reinforcement and maintenance of infrastructure have also been increasing more and more in recent years.We at Nittoc look on such harsh circumstances as a good opportunity for further development in our business and thus,exert ourselves to solidify a company's business foundation and at the same time,make our best efforts to aim at a highly reliable company in the society by offering the original technologies we possess to be applied faithfully to the works.Your cordial support and cooperation to us,Nittoc Construction,will be very much appreciated in advance.

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Ulasan terbaru

Staff Administrasi
Oct 2024
Bandung West Java1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
saya sangat tidak merokemendasikan untuk bekerja disini, teruma fresh graduate, manajemen perusahaan berisi orang jepang+lokal sangat buruk, perusahaan jepang rasa cina, jangan kerja disini!
Hal yang baiktidak ada good things
Tantanganterlalu banyak pressure disini, tidak sebanding dengan gaji yg didapat
Feb 2019
Jakarta Selatan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Pengalaman Kerja saya di Nittoc
Hal yang baik1. Pernah dikirim training FIDIC 2x yang menjadikan pengetahuan yang sangat baik dan meningkatkan network di bidang ini. 2. Pernah mengikuti beberapa kali Seminar dan workshop sehingga menambah pengetahuan dan networking. 3. Support dari atasan sangat tinggi 4. Lingkungan kerja yang sangat bersahabat 5. Kerja sama antar departemen cukup kompak
Tantangan1. Komunikasi antara staff Indonesia dan Jepang baik dari segi bahasa dan pemahaman satu sama lain masih perlu ditingkatkan 2. Tersebarnya lokasi proyek di seluruh Indonesia menjadikan concern terhadap safety, schedule dan cost control perlu fokus 3. Banyaknya job desk yang menjadi tanggung jawab menjadikan harus bisa menyusun skala prioritas dan bekerja efektif.
Penilaian untuk Nittoc Construction Co. Ltd ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Nittoc Construction Co. Ltd. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.