CDN has been dedicating itself to be a complete lighting solution provider since it was established in 2006.Thanks to the rapid economic growth in China and the great efforts of all our employees, the company got a very rapid growth and CDN is recognized as a famous brand in the middle-to-high-end market. CDN is a lighting solution provider for many global brand hotels. We have been supplying lighting to more than 2000 hotels till 2017, and more than 200 hotels a year. CDN also is a strategic lighting supplier for many big real estate companies and retail chain stores. We have nearly 1000 distributors both in China and from more than 30 countries in Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Africa.Warning !!!Mohon berhati-hati terhadap segala bentuk penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT NEW VISION COOPERATIONS, kami tidak pernah bekerjasama dengan travel atau pihak manapun untuk proses rekrutmen.Perusahaan kami tidak pernah memungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.Interview dan proses rekrutmen hanya dilakukan oleh Team HR dan alamat di Perusahaan PT NEW VISION COOPERATIONS.