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Wholesale Businesses

Ukuran perusahaan

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Multi Commodity International Ltd is an Established Soap manufacturing Factory & Palm oil Refinery based in Indonesia. Holding a capacity of 14,000 tons / Month for Soap Manufacturing and 9000 tons for Oil Refinery, MCI has been able to penetrate the market in most countries around the Globe. – We have stood with our commitment in terms of providing our customers with Exclusive quality in a very competitive pricing.We have ventured our products to Africa, Asia, America, Europe and Oceanian countries. With the great hard work of our team, we now have a solid brand base in most countries around the globe.Through our research and development program, MCI has been able to actively engage and expand. With the use of our advanced and well integrated Refinery, we are also able to supply Cooking Oil & Margarine as well as Shortening for Dairy / Biscuit and Chocolate factories around the world.Multi Commodity International Ltd displays varying degrees of Competence in terms of Pricing, Service and Supply of Products. This has lead to a strong distribution networking around the globe. Our networking are the roots from which transforms MCI to the front line, being as one of the world’s major suppliers for Soaps, Cooking Oil and Palm Oil products.

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