PT Mitra Abadimas Sejahtera is an Indonesian palm oil plantation company established in 2007. PT Mitra Abadimas Sejahtera refers to a field that is ready to be harvested, and this word is chosen as part of our company name to show our aim of managing the plantation in a professional manner in order to receive the harvest.Our plantation is located in the Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, with a total landbank of approximately 14,000 hectares. Our primary business activities are cultivating, developing, and harvesting Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) as well as the extraction of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). To support our plantation, we are currently building a palm oil mill with a working capacity of 30 tons per hour in Kabile, within the Sambas Regency. In the following year, we will be building a smaller palm oil mill in Selakau, also located within the Sambas Regency in order to support our plantation in the Selakau area.