Peringkat untuk Kideco Jaya Agung dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas
Menampilkan 20 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
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Oct 2023
Good Mining Company
Hal yang baikIn company, salary good, training good, system good
Tantangancomplexity about technical mining and manny contractor
Mar 2022
Jakarta9 to 10 years in the role, former employee
place to learn
Hal yang baikI have great team during working in this company
Tantanganthey don't understand it's day off or not. public holiday still working
HSE supervisor
Dec 2021
Kab Paser5 to 6 years in the role
Tempat yang baik untuk mengasah insting
Hal yang baikRegulasi sanat lengkap, fasilitas cukup dan sabgat banyak training
TantanganKesuliyan muncul saat harus menyampaikan opportunity for improvement
Oct 2020
Kalimatan timurLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Saya bekerja menjadi staff selama setahun untuk bagian profil DESA
Hal yang baikKebersamaan bersama staff
TantanganKalo data tidak valid
Plant engineer
Oct 2020
Batu kajang
Pt. Bukit Makmur mandiri utama
Hal yang baikKerja sama tim, integritas, dan sopan santun
TantanganHal yg baik adalah dimna saya ingin berbagi ilmu ke rekan2 kerja dan tim
Sep 2020
Tanah Grogot, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Learning By Doing
Hal yang baikBanyak tantangan dan pembelajaran yang dapat diambil dan kita yang menentukan bagaimana cara bertindak dan bekerja tim dengan baik, suasana bekerja yang sangat mendukung menjadikan semangat untuk tetap menunjukkan performa bekerja
Tantangankita dituntut untuk mempelajari sendiri terkait sistem yang sudah berjalan, tetapi dengan begitu setelah memahami sistem tersebut justru pemahaman yang didapatkan lebih baik ketimbang mendapatkan dari penjelasan orang lain
Accounting & finance manager
Aug 2020
Jakarta Selatan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
great ambiance yet very stressful in pace
Hal yang baikthe working environment are great and making the discussion among employee both in head office or in site area are smooth particularly when dealing with type of project or issue
Tantanganworking in coal mining has it's own industrial issues in which every issues generally involving third party or other stakeholders that sometimes driven the course of company objectives, often the issues added along side with bureaucracy and conflict of interest among stakeholders
Road Maintenance
Dec 2019
Kabupaten Paser, East Kalimantan, Indonesia9 to 10 years in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikPekerjaan menjadi engineer sangat terstruktur, juga beban pekerjaan yang ditanggung oleh team. Jadi tidak terlalu berat intuk perorangan.
TantanganSetiap engineer susah untuk menuangkan ide yang digagasnya, dikarenakan atasan bertindak lebih dominan.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Sep 2019
Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Good workplace for them looking for stability and convenience
Hal yang baikStable income and yearly bonus, low-pace work, good employee benefit exclude health insurance
TantanganToxic environment, vagueness of KPI, lack of career path for non-engineering work
4 orang menganggap ini membantu
Water Management & AMD Section
Jul 2019
Less than 1 year in the role, current employee
Hal yang baikDevelopment karyawan sesuai dengan kompetensinya, Rapi, disiplin, teamwork solid kompak, time management bagus, event organizer
TantanganIntensitas kunjungan dari pemerintah padat di bulan - bulan tertentu
Head of department
Mar 2019
Batu Kajang, Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia9 to 10 years in the role, current employee
Enjoyable and challenging work experince in Kideco
Hal yang baikWe can explore and expanded our talent and skill
TantanganFar from family and less entertainment because live in remote area
Assistant Manager - Finance, Accounting & Tax
Oct 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Kideco is 2nd family
Hal yang baikworking in Kideco feels like having 2nd family. Like a normal family, there someone have a good attitude and some other else are the opposite. You must have to adapt onto the environment and blend.
Tantanganthis company is lack of solid teamwork and also lack of team member so you have to prepare yourself in multitasking task since sometimes you have to work alone. the positive thing is you will increase your skill fast except you cannot adapt with the situation.
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
Planning engineer
Sep 2018
Batu Sopang, Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Its been 6 years working here since 2012
Hal yang baik1. The opportunities to learn something new are very high
2. Working with multi nations employees
3. The company gives so many spaces for you to practice your faith
4. The working time is decent, and the holiday time too
TantanganNot really a big deal. You have to come here to experience it, and its not really a hard choice for me to stay here despite that \"not really big deal\" I've faced the whole time.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
HSE supervisor
Dec 2017
Jobsite batukajang7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
Hal yang baikTingkatan keamanan atau procedure kerja yang telah di terapkan dengan baik
TantanganTingkatkan area kerja yang berbeda
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
Fuel Control
Dec 2017
Site Batu Kajang7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
For those who are not Technical/Engineering especially in Mining graduates, seems difficult to reach a great career path
Hal yang baikLike any other mining companies, you and your family will covered by health insurance. When you take a period leave, the company will pay you leave allowance for you and your family even the amount is not too big. And on mid semester & end of year the company will give production & safety bonus to all employees.
TantanganWorking hour more than 40 hours a week
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
Legal assistant Manager
Mar 2017
Menara Mulia, Karet Semanggi, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Great Memories
Hal yang baikAll the staffs and team there are very warm and good to keep each other. We feel like we have new family there. Even after I was resigned we still keep in touch with each other.
TantanganAdjusment to the culture of company, since it is own by Korean. And the sometimes demanding request and different perspective from the management.
4 orang menganggap ini membantu
Produksi - HSE Officer (Representatif)
Jan 2017
Lingkungan kerja
Hal yang baikFasilitas tempat kerja sangat nyaman
TantanganTugas terlalu banyak sehingga dapat mengerjakan 2 atau lebih jobdesk
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
RMC, Civil Engineer
Dec 2016
Good Exp
Hal yang baikSuasana kerja baik dan bekerja tidak terlalu ditekan
Tantanganjenjang jabatan yang tidak memperhatikan kualitas pekerjaan
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Human resources manager
Oct 2016
Kalimantan Timur3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Experience Overview
Hal yang baikEmployee Benefit
TantanganChange Management
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Jul 2016
Jakarta3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Pengalaman kerja pertama yang penuh dinamika
Hal yang baikDisiplin kerja ala Korea
TantanganKinerja dinilai secara subyektif oleh atasan dimana KPI belum ada
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
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