4.7 total penilaian dari 3 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Situs web


Hospitality & Tourism

Ukuran perusahaan

51-100 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl. Jawa Blok G Kawasan Industri MM2100, Desa Gandamekar, Kecamatan Cikarang Barat, Kabupaten Bekasi - 17520, Indonesia
KANEKA Corporation was founded in Japan in 1949 and has been engaged in the manufacturing and sales of numerous highly specialized products within various fields of businesses including foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, functional plastics, expandable plastics, chemicals, electric raw materials, and synthetic fibers.The company started large-scale production of margarine and shortening in 1953 under KANEKA, and quickly boosted its production output to include other high-quality products in the bakery and confectionery market. KANEKA Group has established a total of 9 factories in Japan and 3 more factories overseas for Food manufacturing. With well over 60 years of food science and technology experience, KANEKA matured as one of the key suppliers for bread-related ingredients in Japan with sales exceeding 50 billion Yen, equals to 72 trillion Rupiahs.In Indonesia, KANEKA partnered with Mitsubishi Corporation as its 40% shareholder in establishing KANEKA Foods Indonesia. The company’s factory in Karawang was completed in 2013, and since then KANEKA Foods Indonesia has catered a large number of retail brands, pastry chain stores, hotels, restaurants, and local bakeries while continuously supporting industry advancements through the implementation of food science.

Ulasan dan penilaian

4.73 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

May 2022
Cibitung7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
Technology And Education As Its Forte
Hal yang baikPT Kaneka Foods Indonesia is ahead in terms of technology, it expands employees' experience and knowledge in using technologies. It cultured well in the employees so most of the employees are intelligent users who utilize technology at work. PT Kaneka Foods Indonesia also promotes education in general, they encourage and support employees to get knowledge from all aspects so they could be their better selves and contribute better to the company
TantanganIt would be better if PT Kaneka Foods Indonesia could share not only the ups but also the downs of the company's situation with all employees and encourage leaders to accommodate and inspire all employees to keep their motivation and creativity. If employees only know the ups of the company's situation, they won't improve their creativity and way of thinking. Eventually, employees will work on "auto-pilot", treating the job as a job, and less self-reflection.
General affair staff
Jul 2021
Bekasicurrent employee
Every challenge makes me stronger
Hal yang baikAtasan yang sangat mendukung untuk dapat menmgembangkan karir, lingkkungan yang nyaman dan positif, perusahaan yang memperdulikan kesejahteraan karyawan, banyak ilmu yang dapat disini untuk dapat dikembangkan kembali, banyak challenge yang bener2 dpt dihadapi bukan ssebagai superwoman tetapi menjadi superteam
TantanganSulit akses public transportation, bener2 lebih enak punya kendaraan pribadi.
Peran pekerjaan
Mar 2020
Pengalaman di berbagai tempat perusahaan
Hal yang baikKomunikasi yang baik dan saling membantu sesama pekerja untuk memajukan visi misi perusahaan
TantanganAdaptasi sesama pekerja dan adaptasi melakukan jenis pekerjaan..
Penilaian untuk Kaneka ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Kaneka. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.