Jiji Press News on the Web keeps readers abreast of the latest developments in Japan across a whole range of specialized fields. In an era of rapid change, it is an essential tool for Japan watchers around the globe.The Internet-based service provides up-to-the-minute information on economic and corporate activities in Japan. It also reports important policy decisions by the Japanese government, backed up by analysis and comment from knowledgeable business leaders and monetary policymakers. Jiji Press News on the Web takes readers straight to the heart of Japan's political, corporate and economic world.The service brings together top stories and vital information from Jiji's worldwide news-gathering network, which extends beyond Japan to 29 overseas bureaus and their staff reporters.The service is the only single source of its kind, providing over 120 stories per day in 10 main categories, backed by news flashes covering the latest stories as they break. Its features also include charts of foreign exchange and other financial market information.The service covers virtually all of Japan's major economic and industrial statistics, and has an international reputation for being quick, concise, easy to read and, above all, reliable.The service is available at affordable prices, with a free trial service to be provided upon request.