Jaya Education Foundation
4.0 total penilaian dari 4 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Education & Training

Ukuran perusahaan

51-100 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Emerald Boulevard, Bintaro Jaya Sector 9, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan 15224
Established in 1995, Global Jaya School (GJS) has a history of consistent growth and positive change, as well as an ongoing commitment to offering a quality international education program. We have distinguished ourselves as a top IB World School within Indonesia and Southeast Asia. We are acknowledged and respected for our commitment to delivering well-rounded academic and extracurricular programmes that prepare students to participate in the international community as valuable team members and leaders.Global Jaya School is a non-denominational community that teaches and encourages respect for others by valuing Indonesian culture while embracing international cultural awareness and understanding. Our school implements an international curriculum that fully supports mother tongue language development, and an emphasis on community and inclusion makes it an ideal environment for all community members. Global Jaya School is proudly authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and accredited by the Western Association of Colleges and Schools (WASC) and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.STUDENTSCurrent enrolment for Global Jaya School is 657 students from Kindergarten (Early Years) to Year 12, with 269 students in Primary and 388 in Secondary. Currently, 80% of the Global Jaya School student population is Indonesian (inclusive of dual nationals) with the remaining 20% registered as foreign passport holders. Our expatriate group comprises 16 nationalities, with a strong Asian presence, as well as North Americans, Europeans & Australians. Our parents come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds including, but not limited to, top management in multinational corporations, teachers, political figures, business owners, and celebrities.FACULTYOur current faculty consists of 114 professional educators from Indonesia and abroad. Thirty-three expat teachers, from 10 different countries, helps provide an international perspective and reflects our school's motto : Gateway to the World.COMMUNITYThe national motto of the Republic of Indonesia is Bhinneka Tunggal, which translates as Unity in Diversity. The school’s culture and sense of community show our commitment to this belief. The majority of families who make up our community live nearby in South Jakarta or one of itssuburbs. Others commute longer distances or purchase housing for their children in one of the surrounding neighbourhoods so they can attend our school. Our expatriate teachers bring a wealth of international experience to the school, but so do our parents, many having worked or attended universities overseas.CAMPUS AND FACILITIESThe school’s campus is in a developed residential area outside the capital city of Jakarta, in the beautiful Bintaro Jaya area within South Tangerang. Global Jaya School resides on a 17-acre purpose-built campus that includes: ample classrooms, a soccer pitch, an indoor gymnasium, outdoor basketball courts, covered tennis courts, a well-appointed library, outdoor playing fields and playgrounds, design and computer labs, science labs, an outdoor covered canteen, outdoor swimming pool, and a Theatre/Fine-Arts Complex. Candidates wishing to learn more about Global Jaya School can visit our website.

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4.04 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

Jun 2020
Kupang, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Mendidik anak bangsa sangat penting demi kemajuan SDM yang uggul
Hal yang baikMenjadi seorang pendidik
TantanganMenbuat siswa mengerti dan memahami dan kemudian menjadikannya siswa yang pandai dan bermoral
Baru lulus
Feb 2020
Jombang, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Hal yang baikMengajarkan bagaimana atau apa itu kehidupan
TantanganBertemu dengan orang tua
Jan 2018
jl. ki hajar dewantoro no 140 dsn. jombang kec. jombang 68168 kab. jember1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
pengalama menjadi operator sekolah
Hal yang baikBanyak ilmu
TantanganMenyusun perangkat laporan sekolah
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