JAFRA is a Direct Selling company with a multi-level marketing system for Cosmetic products (skincare, color, fragrance, and toiletries), which was founded by Jan and Frank Day in 1956 in Malibu, California, USA. One of JAFRA's iconic products is the Royal Jelly series, which is a natural ingredient that can help minimize skin aging.After more than 60 years known as a global Royal Jelly expert, JAFRA comes with a revolutionary technological breakthrough, Royal Jelly RJX, which can help multiply the power and benefits of Royal Jelly for skin care. This exclusive technology can be found in the JAFRA ROYAL series. With a “Freedom to be You” tagline, JAFRA entered Indonesia in 2013. Up until now, Indonesia became the country with the fastest JAFRA business growth among other countries.Visit https://bebees.jafraroyalworld.co.id/ for more info about JAFRA Cosmetics Indonesia.