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Real Estate & Property

Ukuran perusahaan

1.001-5.000 karyawan

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Jababeka Center, Marketing Gallery, Hollywood Plaza No 10 - 12, Jl H Usmar Ismail, Cikarang Bekasi 17550
HistoryPT Jababeka Tbk was established in 1989 and is the first publicly listed industrial estate developer in Indonesia, being listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchange since 1994.The Company’s core business is developing industry-based real estate, supported and enhanced by infrastructure and township management services. The Company’s business model is to develop industrial real estate sites in a manner which builds critical mass of demand at each site. The demand created allows the Company to offer and enhance complementary commercial and residential real estate development as well as infrastructure and estate management services, in time creating an industry-based township.The Company’s business can be divided into the following pillars:Land & Property Development,Infrastructure & Services, andLeisure & Hospitality.The Company’s flagship development is the 5,600 hectare fully integrated township, Kota Jababeka in Cikarang, with an estimated population of over 1 million people. Kota Jababeka has steadily transformed from a plot of open green land into a thriving community. The township lies only 35 kilometer east of Jakarta, strategically located along the Bekasi-Cikampek corridor, which contains a dozen of industrial estates that cater to light, medium and automotive industries. Kota Jababeka is accessible by toll and railroad and can be reached by car in approximately 30-40 minutes from Jakarta’s Central Business District.Kota Jababeka is a self-contained township with an industrial estate that is home to around 1,650 local and multinational companies from 30 countries (i.e. USA, UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc) employing over 700,000 workers and 4,300 expatriates. Jababeka’s tenants include multinationals such as Loreal, ICI Paints, Mattel, Samsung, Unilever, United Tractors, Akzo Nobel, and Nissin Mas.Using Kota Jababeka as the blueprint, The Company is developing an integrated township in Tanjung Lesung that caters to the tourism, hospitality and leisure industries. Tanjung Lesung, lies approximately 200 kilometers southwest of Jakarta.In addition, the Company has also embarked on a township development project together with Sembcorp Development Indonesia Pte. Ltd., the subsidiaries of Sembcorp (Singapore) in the Kendal Regency of Central Java, which is strategically located about 21km west of Semarang , the Capital of Central Java, 20km from Ahmad Yani International Airport, and 25km to Tanjung Emas Seaport. Furthermore, Jababeka owns office space in Jakarta’s central Business District; Menara Batavia, which also serves as the company’s representative office.As Kota Jababeka increased in size and population, the need for supporting and leisure facilities emerged and the Company added an education park, central business district, golf course, business club, and several other facilities, at which point the Company became a true township developer.With the inauguration of the Power Plant and Dry Port, the Company put its Beyond Property motto into practice, which is further endorsed by the Mix Used Development projects. The Company has evolved to become a fully integrated enterprise, offering a full range of real estate and infrastructure products as well as logistics facilities with the beginning of its dry port project.VisionTo create self-sustained modern cities in each province in Indonesia and provide employment opportunities for better life.MissionTo collaborate with local governments and strategic partners in order to develop and innovate investment concepts which are in line with the latest technological development.To provide human resources and physical infrastructure facilities to support urban development.To actively promote group expansion to multinational companies.ValuesIntegrityReliabilityCaringDisciplineCreativity

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TantanganPersaingan antar anggota tim cukup terasa
Penilaian untuk Jababeka ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Jababeka. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.