Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Computer Software & Networking
Ukuran perusahaan
51-100 karyawan
​iBayar Solusi Prima is a FinTech (Financial Technology) start-up company in the exciting field of mobile payments and e-commerce. Our company endeavors to bring innovative solutions for micro entrepreneurs and SME’s, with the purpose of empowering their businesses with technology, which will allow them to remain relevant and competitive, in their respective industries. We likewise aim to deliver beneficial financial services to the unbanked and underbanked sector of society, who remain unreached and unserved by traditional financial institutions.
iBayar is about bringing the best and brightest innovations brought about by the convergence in Financial Services and Mobile Communications. Our solutions demonstrate an incremental and radical / disruptive innovation in the development of applications, processes, products or business models for the financial services and mobile communications industry. We are driven by our passion to help improve every person’s life in this current mobile commerce revolution era.


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