Lingkungan dan Budaya di

Budaya dan nilai

Company's culture and value information

Our Values

We believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity for education. Thus, we exist not only to ensure everyone has equal access to learn — but to also help them become lifelong learners — and get a fair chance to achieve their dreams.


To make better and make impact on others lives' through education and continuously delivering the work-relevant learning experiences


Teamwork makes the dream work. We believe by bringing talented people together, in winning together, and in learning from each other


The biggest investment you can do is invest in yourself. We support our team's growth with courses, team learnings, sharing sessions (+Free access to all Bitlabs Learning Programs)

Tunjangan dan keuntungan


Miscellaneous allowance

Education support

Sports (e.g. Gym)


Why join us?

Kami percaya bahwa karyawan adalah aset berharga dan setiap orang di perusahaan kami adalah pemain kunci yang membantu perusahaan mencapai kesuksesan. Oleh karena itu kami selalu menciptakan suasana kerja yang transparan dan mendukung perkembangan karyawan kami. Kami mencari talenta yang kreatif, termotivasi, bertanggung jawab dan disiplin yang mau maju bersama untuk menjadi tim yang hebat
