Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Accounting & Auditing
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
In today’s global markets, competition, regional and domestic issues have resulted in unprecedented levels of regulation, all of which companies need to be aware of. Taxation and business laws and regulations now are the number one regulatory concern of the CEO, and are driving demand for proper internal controls and robust financial reporting processes to satisfy regulators and stakeholders.
Clients engage INATAX because we understand the business and economic environment, and we combine this with specialist knowledge. We help you navigate this complexity so that you can achieve your business objectives by reducing task risk and meeting your compliance obligations and improve business and operating performance in a tax-efficient way.
INATAX owns 5 different subsidiaries also moving in tax service industry spread across big cities in Indonesia, in Jakarta, Batam, Bandung & Semarang.


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