Hanwa Indonesia
3.3 total penilaian dari 22 ulasan

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Bekerja di Hanwa Indonesia

3.322 total penilaian
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Peringkat untuk Hanwa Indonesia dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


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Steel division
Jun 2023
Jakarta7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
a good company for you in your mid to end 20s
Hal yang baikThis company is very suitable if you already have some basic experience about working environment especially in MNC company. They already have rigid structure and system right now, compare to several years ago. everything is quite prepared when you join this company. You also will not worried that your salary will pay late, since if salary date in the weekend or national holiday, they will pay earlier and company provide some facility also they will give you end of year holiday.
TantanganHowever, they will treat you differently if you hired in Indonesia. Your career will be end in General Manager position and you got same facility same with newbie that just come from head office and he/she maybe just work for less than 5 years. Also, if you just join right now, your chance to become manager also will be difficult, since their chance to grow in their current business field is small. You just only can hope that some senior is resign or company not hire expatriate for that position. They also did not have same treatment for every division. In some division, you will be contract several times until they think that you can be replaced or you ask resign and then they realized how valuable you are. And last, they did not provide same condition like other Japanese companies, if you move from good one, you will realize that there are some inferior among them.
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
May 2023
Jakarta5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Perusahaan Anjeng, anaknya norak norak
Hal yang baikPerusahaan jepang vibesnya local
TantanganPenuh politik pada level admin
Admin steel 5
Apr 2023
Pademangan7 to 8 years in the role, former employee
Banyak psikopat
Hal yang baikBanyak perawan tua dan orang miskin yang tidak bahagia
TantanganBanyak perawan tua dan orang miskin yang tidak bahagia yang menjadikan mereka pribadi psikopat. Atau jangan2 rejeki yg mereka lahap dari Hanwa selama ini adalah rejeki haram dari bisnis hanwa yang terlalu kotor
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Apr 2023
Hal yang baikSudirman eeuy asiiik kata anak kampung
TantanganNajis kerja disini, banyak psikopat
Steel Section
Apr 2023
Jakarta5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Ineducated Environment & Office Politics Too Much
Hal yang baikSudirman street, Wont be get fired as long as you feel comfort, even you make mistakes or having very bad attitude. Good for non english speaker who really want to start in multinational company.
TantanganThe place where the people that had never much experienced nor been windowshopping, most dont have idea how to be a professional to work in multinational company, narrow minded, oportunies, and stubborn personality. The management is also too tricky. There is no job grading to classify the salary and benefit based on the skill, experience, etc. There is no transparancy, so that everybody is free, could stab each other to earn higher position or salary but do easy tasks, if you are hired through your friend from referal, you are guaranteed to be saved from high risk job, high risk job will be moved to another colleagues, but they will report to japanese as if their friends jobs more high risk than other and the japanese should appreciate her friend. The higher your position, the easier you have privilege to choose the job you like with low risk or the higher your position the responsibility and your job will be lessen. The recruitment & selection system is kinda weird. Many employee working with not professional attitude especially from referal recruitment. And the way their commnunication and receive communication from other seems bad. Blaming each other and labeling someone as a stupid can be habbit. Attacking someones personality which they think weak with verbal abuse, intimidating someone together with numbers of people like mafia, manipulating others, using words to frighten, for all of these bad behaviour the company allow it. This place just like a jungle, not good for health. Had been through several multinational company, but this is the worst place. There is no rule established. Low paid, standard medical, no benefid and welfare. Local management and culture.
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
HR administrator
Dec 2022
Jakarta Pusat7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
A good place for work
Hal yang baikI think the environment in this company can be categorized as healthy enough, we can be real friends with colleagues, giving and taking support with other, etc. so at least the hardship/stressfulness in work can be reduced.
TantanganMust be able to get used to the work habits of certain nations.
Sep 2022
JAKARTA1 to 2 years in the role
good place to work and learn
Hal yang baikthey appreciate my hardwork, support team, good friends
Tantanganlearn new things a never experienced before
Sep 2022
Tangerang Selatan3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Good challenge and diversity!
Hal yang baikI can learn much from this company, especially the Japanese culture business. The working-life balance is fair enough, all of this depends on the role and the company also gives us an allowance if we need to work overtime. The company also appreciates the hard work of employees and sometimes gives us additional allowance outside of the bonus given to us every end of the year.
TantanganThe diversity in culture and we must understand what our Senior Manager wants with many gestures and flows. Reporting to Japanese manager who must use English language and as we know it's not our mother languages so we need time to fully understand the request.
May 2022
Jakarta1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Memulai pengalaman kerja di Perusahaan Jepang
Hal yang baikSelama kita betah kerja dan tidak ada masalah akan terus diperpanjang. Suasana santai, peraturan tidak terlalu ketat
TantanganSusana kerja lumayan berisik, kadang lumayan mengganggu. Agak kaget di awal masuk melihat pemandangan beberapa karyawan main game atau browsing internet terang2an di jam kerja.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Steel Division
May 2022
Tangerang1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Good for gaining Various Experiences
Hal yang baikStrategic location, Suasana kerja yg santai, Bos Expatriate yg baik, Banyak pengalaman yg didapat, Cocok bagi freshgraduate yg ingin memulai belajar.
Tantangan- KPI yg terlalu general dan krg adil sehingga sebagian berujung pada penilaian yg subjektif - Banyak rekrutmen berasal dari orang dalam (referral) tanpa dites lebih dalam lagi dan yg bawapun tidak terlalu kenal kepribadian atau skill temannya yg menjadikan lingkungan kurang sehat jikalau yg dibawa tidak baik dari sisi attitude kerja maupun skill dan ada juga gap saling bantu sesama teman yg dibawa
Marketing supervisor
Jan 2022
5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Great working environment and great company
Hal yang baikThe company pays very well according employee achievement. Huge working space and great environment
TantanganThe will be a challenge for non english speaker.
Steel 4
Mar 2020
Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Racist,subjective and micro managing management
Hal yang baikThe salary was good
Tantangan-there is invincible walls between japanese and local staff -management can change their promise, if they like to do so, too much politics and butt kissing
Feb 2020
Jakarta Pusat, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role
Various job desk types enrich new knowledge.
Hal yang baikNice supportive Japanese Boss & manager. The more jobs gives, the more you are trusted, end up high point on KPI (good increment salary & Bonus). Supportive from other division such as,accounting ,tax, IT & import division. Highly recommended for fresh graduate to medium experience job seekers. Less stress.
TantanganBe able to work independently . Minim supervision from local senior employees. Noise work ambiance, feels like in the market than in the office.
Marketing manager
Jan 2020
Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Dynamic working lifestyle
Hal yang baikNot like normal Japanese company, the current management are very open-minded and easy to discuss. Work also flexible and we need to think to make new business for company's profit.
Tantangan- Thinking a new business - Dynamic change of work
Steel 6
Nov 2019
Mid Plaza, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Nice Friend and Boss
Hal yang baikBoss nya baik, cukup fair dengan kinerja karyawan. Teman setim juga kooperatif dan baik.
TantanganHRD kurang memperhatikan kepentingan karyawan,
HRga staff
Sep 2019
Experinced work
Hal yang baikDpt ilmu bahasa jepang
TantanganTerlalu banyak person yg mengatur mnjdi bingung siapa yg hrs dipatuhi
Food Divison
Apr 2019
Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
One of the unforgettable experiences
Hal yang baikVery kind boss, strategic place in downtown of Jakarta now, very easy to go here because near to Sudirman Station, MRT and Transjakarta.
TantanganThere only one difficulty in this workplace, is how to handle delivery when supplier can't support customer's orders.
Steel department
Jan 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, current employee
Very tough and chalengging
Hal yang baikIf you hard worker and make good business a lot then your boss will look on you very much. The more they like you the more task they will give you, but it means the more they believe you. Good salary, good environment.
TantanganEverything should fast. A lot of pressure, no career path, no facility given even you are in high position.
Steel 1
Jan 2018
Jakarta Raya, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Tempat yang baik untuk menerapkan pengetahuan anda
Hal yang baikTerdapat kesempatan mengembangkan karier dan menerapkan pengalaman kerja anda. Selain itu, lingkungan kantor cukup baik, karena pimpinan merupakan orang asing, sehingga tidak terlalu terpengaruh dengan politik dan favorisme seperti perusahaan lokal.
TantanganPosisi yang diberikan tidak disertai dengan kekuasaan, sehingga posisi, hanya penamaan belaka. Selain itu, tidak ada fasilitas yang didapat oleh posisi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan anda.
Steel Department
Nov 2017
Mid Plaza, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Good Environment
Hal yang baikEasy to Take a Leave. They'll deduct our salary if we didn't make it to office.
TantanganSometime the superior give maze instruction
Administration Staff
Sep 2017
Jalan Jendra Sudirman, Lubuk Basung, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Great experience that I have.
Hal yang baikThis company have a good work environment and good team work.
TantanganThere's no career improvement in this company.
Food Department
Nov 2016
Jakartacurrent employee
Hal yang baikNot too much pressure
TantanganAchieve new business development.
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