Jl. Hr. Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Gulf Oil is one of the largest independently owned companies in the world and one of the most famous brands in the world. Under the strap line 'your local global brand' we provide high quality products and services throughout the worldToday the Gulf brand is now present in more than 100 countries worldwide via a network of official distributors and wholly owned operations. An extensive portfolio of products is provided to distributors through a global network of blending facilities located in Asia, Europe, North and South America. Gulf is committed to offering high quality products that constantly evolve and develop to meet and exceed the highest industry standards and OEM Approvals. The company strap line is ‘your local global brand’ and this reflects both the company structure and its ethos towards the consumer. Gulf is a global brand with local representation, meaning that consumers benefit from a global offering that understand and allows for local needs through the flexibility of regional variations.Gulf Oil International is committed to a strategy of growth and development and this best reflected through its ever-growing number of Gulf branded petrol stations. Gulf has also built on its historical strength in endurance motorsport and the Le Mans 24Hrs, now sponsoring a portfolio of race teams including the Aston Martin Racing Le Mans team.As part of its international growth strategy in the company is seeking to appoint experienced and dynamic professionals at various levels and across various job functions in Indonesia.At PT. Gulf Oil Lubricants Indonesia, you are assured of a professional work ambience that will motivate you to deploy your potential to the maximum. Remuneration will be at par with the best in the industry and will not be a constraint for the right candidate.
Gulf Oil is one of the largest independently owned companies in the world and one of the most famous brands in the world. Under the strap line 'your local global brand' we provide high quality products and services throughout the worldToday the Gulf brand is now present in more than 100 countries worldwide via a network of official distributors and wholly owned operations. An extensive portfolio of products is provided to distributors through a global network of blending facilities located in Asia, Europe, North and South America. Gulf is committed to offering high quality products that constantly evolve and develop to meet and exceed the highest industry standards and OEM Approvals. The company strap line is ‘your local global brand’ and this reflects both the company structure and its ethos towards the consumer. Gulf is a global brand with local representation, meaning that consumers benefit from a global offering that understand and allows for local needs through the flexibility of regional variations.Gulf Oil International is committed to a strategy of growth and development and this best reflected through its ever-growing number of Gulf branded petrol stations. Gulf has also built on its historical strength in endurance motorsport and the Le Mans 24Hrs, now sponsoring a portfolio of race teams including the Aston Martin Racing Le Mans team.As part of its international growth strategy in the company is seeking to appoint experienced and dynamic professionals at various levels and across various job functions in Indonesia.At PT. Gulf Oil Lubricants Indonesia, you are assured of a professional work ambience that will motivate you to deploy your potential to the maximum. Remuneration will be at par with the best in the industry and will not be a constraint for the right candidate.
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Suply Chain
Jul 2017
Setiabudi, Karet, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
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