Profil Perusahaan

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Wholesale Businesses

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Kompleks ITC Duta Mas Fatmawati, Jalan Rs. Fatmawati, South Jakarta, Jakarta 12150, Indonesia
Global Instruments is a fast growing company, we had been consistently grows our sales figure which is reflecting the significant growth of trust from the customer. We was born in early 2009 from almost 15 years of working experience in calibration industry, we take the courage to start the business to serve calibration market to the fullest extends. We are aiming to be the market leader to this industry and also to be recognized as the specialist of calibration instruments and standard specially for Temperature, Humidity and Pressure.We are concentracing into calibration industry from Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Mass and Process and also Wheater, With the support of 9 Major Players of the instruments industry such as DH Budenberg – Germany for Primary Pressure Calibration, WIKA Instruments – Germany, for its Temperature calibration and Pressure calibration equipment, Mensor Corporation – USA for Pressure Controllers, Martel Electronics – USA for Handheld Pressure and Process Calibrator, Techne Inc – UK for Temperature Calibrator Equipment, Henry Troemner LLC – USA for Precision Weight Mass set, LAND Instruments – UK for Infrared Blackbody sources, Dickson – USA for various datalogging equipment, and Davis Instruments – USA for top Leader of Wheater Instruments, we are confident that we will be one of the major player supplying calibration and standards instruments to various market, from National Metrology Laboratory, Secondary Commercial Calibration Laboratory, Government Calibration Laboratory up to Indutrial internal calibration facilities including several industries such as Oil and Gas, Pharmacies, Aviation, Power Plant, and many more.

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Ulasan terbaru

Aug 2019
Golden Boulevard, Jalan Raya Serpong, Lengkong Karya, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Hal yang baikKerja santai tapi serius, karyawan disini juga saling membantu kalau ada kesulitan. Pimpinan yg tegas dan perhatian ke karyawan. Pekerjaan yg bisa selesai tepat waktu
TantanganTantangan nya sehari target feedback perusahaan harus 40 perusahaan
Penilaian untuk Global Instruments ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
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