Funsoft Mobindo Indonesia
3.7 total penilaian dari 3 ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Wholesale Businesses

Ukuran perusahaan

11-50 karyawan
Funsoft Mobindo Indonesia (Funsoft) is an apps developer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Established in 2017, our goal is to make mobile applications and its’ ecosystem platform around cultural theme. We strive to spread cultural values while not leaving entertainment behind. Our vision & mission is to be the most impactful & inspiring organization that empower and transform peoples' lives through leveraged culture. We leverage education, games, musics, movies, opera, theater, paintings, photography, books and other expression of arts & culture through technology.If you have the traits as below, then you have the greatness to be part of our dynamic team:Always exploring (possibilities)Inventing & reinventing (always looking for ways to renew or to improve)Are not bound by rules and has “always-questioning” attitudeCraving for achievement (very strong get-things-done attitude)High initiative (has tendency to do things and to suggest or give opinions to improve the system as the whole)We believe in life-long learning, equality of opportunity & meritocracy, and the culture in our organization encourages you to make mistakes and learn from it, we want to empower you to reach your maximum potential. Let’s grow and be great together!Together with us, let’s strive to transform society while along the way we learn and transform ourselves as well!

Ulasan dan penilaian

3.73 total penilaian
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Ulasan terbaru

Apr 2022
Tempat Kerja Sekaligus Ladang Pengalaman
Hal yang baikBekerja di sini benar-benar membuka pengetahuan saya mengenai apa itu 'novel digital' dan 'web novel'. Perusahaan ini mau mengajarkan kami (sebagai karyawan) dari dasar. Tidak menutup kemungkinan, jika dirasa punya kemampuan, keterampilan yang cocok akan diberikan kepercayaan untuk menjadi leader dan atau memimpin suatu proyek. Lingkungan kerjanya asik, begitu pula dengan orang-orangnya.
TantanganSatu-satunya kesulitan yang saya alami adalah, pemindahan posisi yang begitu cepat dan terkesan buru-buru. Sebetulnya, tidak masalah, karena saya suka sekali tantangan dan belajar hal baru. Namun, ada kalanya pemindahan terkesan buru-buru, padahal divisi barunya belum siap untuk dihuni/belum tahu akan dipindah ke mana.
Jun 2021
1 to 2 years in the role
hard worker & funny teammate, good enough salary, no work life balance
Hal yang baikThis company will teach you time management, discipline, work fast, & totality. Plus you'll find funny friends here. Good opportunity for develop your career.
TantanganManagement often doesn't want to listen to the opinions of employees. Work overtime almost every day. Sometimes still disturbed by work at the weekend. You must be willing to do work that isn't related to your role. Get ready to burn out. Stress levels are high.
Customer service specialist
Sep 2019
Internship program
Hal yang baikAll co-workers are having professional attitude and able to work together in any hectic conditions
TantanganSometimes cannot give best solution for hard complaint from the customer
Penilaian untuk Funsoft Mobindo Indonesia ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bekerja di Funsoft Mobindo Indonesia. Baca ulasan perusahaan dari pegawai, cari tahu budaya perusahaan dan cek lowongan yang sedang dibuka.