
Kami tidak dapat menampilkan nilai rata-rata untuk Falah Technology Innovation karena belum memiliki cukup ulasan.

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Ceritakan pengalaman Anda saat bekerja di Falah Technology Innovation.
Menampilkan 1 ulasan yang diurutkan berdasarkan Terbaru
Unity Developer
Dec 2022
South Jakarta
1 to 2 years in the role, current employee

A Good Place For Starting Your Career

Hal-hal baik
-Friendly Environment, they treat you as like a family. -Fun and Caring Work Colleague, Senior or Even C-Level -Provide A High-End Computer for Your Works. -A very colorful experience, you could develop some apps either VR, or Non-VR. -You have a plenty times for RnD. -Overtimes has its own calculation that outside of your primary salary. -Seniors always helpful if you ask. -Work Life Balance are being prioritize on Projects Departement. -You could switch roles if you think Unity are not Suited for you, or you want tried some new experience. -Ex-employee still treated well, unlike some other company.
-Benefits and Perks are very limited, the bonus itself not transparent. -Your communication and Social skills are really tested here, even if they treat you like a family. -The salary progress very slowly, you could work here for 1 year and they won't consider a rise. -The coding standardization still not implemented, they just implement the basic standardization, don't have any pattern or OOP related. -The senior expect you to implement the OOP, but never shared the knowledge of how to.
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