Profil Perusahaan

Sekilas tentang perusahaan


Real Estate & Property

Ukuran perusahaan

101-1.000 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jend Sudirman Jakarta, Equity Tower Lt.19
Company HistoryThe company (formerly known as PT Laguna Cipta Griya) was established based on Deed Establishment No. 97 dated on May 17th 2004 and published in the State Gazette of Republik Indonesia dated on November 26th, 2004. As per Article of Association of company with the core business in general trading, sole distributors, contractors, industry, printing, real estate, mining, farming & forestry, hauling, and energy electricity and services.Initial Public Offering (IPO), conducted on July 4-6th, 2008, which had listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) on July 13th 2008, with No. Of Emition 300,000,000 (three hundred million) shares, with par value Rp. 100 (one hundred rupiahs) per share, and nominal value Rp. 125 (a hundred and twenty five rupiahs) per share. So, the total nominal of emition was Rp 37,500,000,000 (thirty seven billion five hundred million rupiahs). Thus, the company name had been changed to PT Laguna Cipta Griya, Tbk. On October, 30th 2013, with subject: Company name had been changed to PT Eureka Prima Jakarta, Tbk.

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