Estica International
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Retail & Consumer Products

Ukuran perusahaan

51-100 karyawan

Lokasi utama

Jl.HR.Muhamad Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
PT ESTICA INTERNATIONAL is an indepedent company that engaged in buiding material products since 2007and became one of the trusted and integrated company in Southeast Asia’s especially in Indonesia.We present products which used for commercial and residential projects. In order to supply necessitate, we are using worldwide known brand as a single distributor in Indonesia,such as TECHNALwith high grade qualityto serve a huge size and great performance.One of our products, TECHNAL is part of Hydro Building Systemswhich isdedicated to the creation of innovative and sustainable aluminium façade systems that inspire contemporary architecture. Right now TECHNAL is the world's leading group in the building systems sector. Thanks to their use of aluminium, a material of exemplary modularity and infinite recyclability, TECHNAL façade systems allow architects to make all their projects part of a sustainable lifestyle concept. TECHNAL offers a wide range of solutions for façades, windows and doors. A range to which products are constantly being added to meet local needs, create custom-designed systems and make your project unique.Our aim is beingcapableto maintain our positioning in achieving our credibility to providedynamic and innovative products in order to surpass the challenges in a highly competitive market.We are using products with European and worldwide standard to pursue the best quality for customers. One of our products have helped build many of the high rise and commercial projects throughout the Southeast Asia area such as Marina Bay Sands in Singapore and Bangkok International Airport. We are keeping our goals to provide the best service, superior values, and quality building materials to our customers.Right now we are focusing on residental project. We also concern of any other projects such as high rise commercial project. To satisfy our costumer, we are ready for fast and reliable service as our standard for international warranty.Our professional, experienced and friendly sales staff will help you select from the numerous type of quality building materials for your project to let you reach the highest satisfaction for you own projects.We will be happy to personally assist you with your products interest.We present you the best quality as our compliments for your huge satisfaction and happiness in buiding your projects.

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Ulasan terbaru

Nov 2024
Surabaya East Java3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Perusahan kalau mau tetap exist wajib merobak SDM yg ada khususnya PIC & manager, tdk peduli dia sdh lama atau baru. Kalau management punya nyali. Nyatanya gk punya.
Hal yang baikWork life balance Sabtu minggu libur Gaji tepat waktu Serba random Buat fresh graduate
TantanganNot International like you think, its more like tradisional. SDM banyak yg dibawah rata² (STM, SMK, SMA) & Kebanyakan PIC di pegang oleh lulusan STM, uda gitu maruk jabatan. Membuat perusahan susah bertumbuh & berkembang. Culture yg terbentuk juga ndeso. Terjadi kesalahan fatal tanpa ada punishment (asal memelas & menjilat dirut jabatan aman). Banyak penjilat. Management payah sekali, takut dg karyawan senior. Ijazah, sertifikat tdk punya nilai dsini. Tdk ada jenjang karir. Jenjang karir hanya milik keluarga dinasti. Ada dinasti dlm perusahaan krn sistem rekrutmen yg asal masuk. Sistem rekrutmen juga aneh 1 masuk dr hrd 1 masuk dr manager oprasional. Serba random dsini.
Instailer lapangan
Mar 2019
Surabaya, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Bekerja banyak pengalaman
Hal yang baikBisa bertemu semua pekerja n bisa belajar banyak hal hal baru
TantanganTidak ada kesulitan hanya butuh banyak tenaga extra
Apr 2016
Surabaya, Surabaya City, East Java, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Pastikan semua hitam diatas putih. Pilih yang lainnya bila ada
Hal yang baik- Proses penerimaan karyawan sangat mudah - Banyak janji manis didepan
Tantangan- Gaji karyawan max. UMK dan sulit meningkat kedepan - Tdk ada jenjang karir, semua diperlakukan spt buruh - Hampir semua janji tdk dipenuhi perusahaan - Banyak menuntut karyawan dan tidak memperhatikan kesejahteraan - Memaksa karyawan menggunakan transportasi, uang dan pulsa HP pribadi - Gaji selalu terlambat. Tidak pernah ada bonus apapun
Penilaian untuk Estica International ditampilkan apa adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan pedoman komunitas kami
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