For individuals enthusiastic about acquiring hard skills, this environment offers optimal learning opportunities. However, soft skill development is lacking. Compensation and career advancement prospects are limited, and mentorship from highly skilled professionals other than the plant manager is unavailable.Hal yang baik1. Agile within varied circumstances.
2. Rapid progression within the research and development division (beneficial for initial learning endeavors).
3. Comprehensive provision of work support utilities (including laptops, monitors, consumable R&D components, and lodging during international assignments/ duty).
4. Elevated likelihood of international work engagements (particularly prevalent within specific roles).
5. Multifaceted job responsibilities (ideal for self-improvement in professional ethos).
6. There exists an opportunity for continuous learning (errors are permissible provided they do not incur significant costs)
Tantangan1. Limited career prospects for indigenous talent (specific ethnicities receive notable backing).
2. Managerial evaluations perceived as subjective (appraisal process).
3. Minimum benefit and salary, high demand on job especially in research and development department (No appreciations)
4. Managerial decisions characterized by discretionary practices (ambiguous regulations).
5. Lacking competency frameworks (Human Resources department lacks efficacy in fostering personnel development).
6. The owner exhibits excessive involvement, often impeding the progression of processes.