VisionTrusted Energy Services CompanyMissionExpand the business scope into energy services outside the oil and gas services in IndonesiaAchieve the stability of business growth to meet shareholders’ expectation, along with the development of human resources competency and technology proficiencyReach and keep the customer satisfaction by distributing a high quality product based on the Operation Excellence and QHSE principalsBuild a harmony and profitable relationship with government, corporate partners, as well as peopleCorporate ValuesElnusa offers quality services, reliable infrastructures, competent human resources and latest technologies. We also preserves its integrity, and quality products and services.Elnusa is determined to achieve business sustainability by employing Triple Bottom Lines (Profit, People, Planet):Successful BusinessEnvironmentSocial AspectElnusa is committed to the following company values:CLEAN, Integrity, honesty, accountable and clean in conducting business.RESPECTFUL, Professionalism, quality, continuous improvement, transparency as the basics for business growth and national pride.SYNERGY, Mutually appreciative cooperation and consolidated alliances to achieve performance.