Eka Hospital
3.1 total penilaian dari 32 ulasan

Ulasan Perusahaan

Bekerja di Eka Hospital

3.132 total penilaian
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Tunjangan & keuntungan
Lingkungan kerja
Keberagaman & kesempatan yang sama
Peringkat untuk Eka Hospital dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 32 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
Urutkan berdasarkan
Procurement Role
Nov 2024
South Tangerang Banten3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
Not recommended, look for other company.
Hal yang baikBlessed with good teams
TantanganManagement that knows no boundary, can't make a well defined plan, set unachievable targets, and blaming once the plan/direction goes wrong
Finance Role
Jul 2024
South Tangerang Banten
A place to learn, not to earn.
Hal yang baikBecause they are part of the big company which is Sinarmas Group, so they have the best average for benefit. Co-workers are friendly.
TantanganMust have metal heart, with more passions. Chaos flow of SOP, bad management because no trust, toxic workplace environment, arrogant and disrespectable leader. You'd better think twice if you want to work here. Datang dan rasakan sendiri jika kalian berminat dan BUTUH PEKERJAAN.
4 orang menganggap ini membantu
Finance Role
Jul 2024
South Tangerang Banten
A place to learn, not to earn.
Hal yang baikBecause they are part of the big company which is Sinarmas Group, so they have the best average for benefit. Co-workers are friendly.
TantanganMust have metal heart, with more passions. Toxic workplace environment, bad management system, arrogant and disrespectable leader. You'd better think twice if you want to work here. Datang dan rasakan sendiri jika kalian berminat & BUTUH PEKERJAAN. Rasanya seperti odading mang oleh.
Corporate Sales Executive
May 2024
South Tangerang BantenLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Company management is too dynamic, causing discomfort
Hal yang baikThe company is very dynamic, so there are many things to learn, and it makes us smarter.
TantanganIf there is a cost that is reimbursed, it takes a while for the process. Company management is too dynamic, causing discomfort
Procurement Staff
May 2024
South Tangerang BantenLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Jika mencari tantangan kerja disini lah tempat yang tepat
Hal yang baikLingkungan kantor yang nyaman, makan siang gratis dan benefit kesehatan (tapi terbatas)
TantanganKesulitan terkait target yg telah ditentukan perusahaan dan beban kerja yang banyak
6 orang menganggap ini membantu
Sep 2023
BSD1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
The worst work i ever had
Hal yang baikRekan kerja yang baik.
TantanganMasih banyak pekerjaan manual, senioritas sgt tinggi. Management yang buruk
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
Jun 2023
BSD City1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Recommended to work here
Hal yang baikTempat Bekerja yang sangat menyenangkan
TantanganI can quickly adapt
Ancillary Division
Feb 2023
Bekasi3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Office Politic
Hal yang baikDigital workplace (such as electronic medical record & barcode for medicines).
TantanganThere is too strong blaming for a mistake, subjective KPI, office politic (if you don't have any relatives there), it's too easy to get down grade for a kind worker if you are dislike from the top management.
5 orang menganggap ini membantu
Dec 2022
Tangerang1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
high salary but also high demand
Hal yang baikhigher salary than your average hospital jobs, high-tech diagnostic and operative procedures, the specialists are all very kind and have advanced knowledge of each specialties so you could also learn a lot as a doctor. all the other employees also have great teamwork and know how to have fun even while doing their job right.
Tantanganbad management. not gonna lie after the last reshuffle everything went downhill. very toxic workplace. they demand you to give all your time (even your free time) for the company, they call upon you for the slightest mistake based on google review?! they don't even listen to the story from your POV. lots and lots of paperworks even when all have been digitalized in the computer system.
8 orang menganggap ini membantu
Aug 2022
BSD7 to 8 years in the role, current employee
Eka hospital
Hal yang baikPengalaman selama 7,5thn bekerja di Eka Hoslital sangat senang, karena lingkungan RS nyaman, peralatan penunjang dianostik lengkap, dan dokter di eka hospital sangat berpengalaman. Tidak pernah merasakan penyesalan bekerja di Eka Hospital.
TantanganKesulitan saat bekerja di Eka hospital saat ini tidak ada.
Unit Gawat Darurat
Aug 2022
BSD Tangerang1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Hal yang baikBanyak kesempatan belajar, dokter spesialis mayoritas baik dan responsif Rekan kerja juga mendukung pembelajaran bagi dokter umum yang hendak mencari pengalaman untuk melanjutkan pendidikan spesialis
TantanganJam kerja lumayan padat sulit mencari waktu senggang untuk cuti jika ada keperluan pribadi
Jun 2022
Less than 1 year in the role
The worst management ever
Hal yang baikHaving such a great co-workers under me.
Tantanganhorible management, need to standby 24/7, no work life balance, so much preasures, subjectivity management, too much backstabbed, so much dramas, unfair management, taking the rewards of what u’ve done but also blaming for making mistakes, deliberately looking for ur mistakes, my biggest regret for working here.
6 orang menganggap ini membantu
Dokter umum
Apr 2022
Cibubur1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
RS Eka Hospital Cibubur
Hal yang baikHigh tech, fasilitas baik
Tantanganbirokrasi manajemen dan strukturnya alat ada yang kurang lengkap sentralisasi corporate
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Mar 2022
TangerangLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Worst Workplace EVER
Hal yang baikFriendly coworkers in the same division & same level to below
TantanganLeader took credit of team hardwork for their own benefit, never give solution but instead put all the blame on the team they lead, you can't freely express your opinion or your ideas, leader's very not appreciative, terrible work-life balance - the leader oblige you to always stand by 24/7 even when you're very sick, super low health-care benefit compare to other companies. When you've resigned from the job, the HR neglect their responsibility to post-mail the income tax slip to the ex employee
8 orang menganggap ini membantu
Layanan pelanggan
Mar 2022
Tangerang5 to 6 years in the role, former employee
Service excelent
Hal yang baikDapat pengalaman yang luar biasa dalam menangani berbagai macam pasien
TantanganMemecahkan persoalan yang rumit membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 1 hari
Warehouse staff
Nov 2021
CIBUBUR1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
luar biasa
Hal yang baikbanyak pengalaman dan ilmu yang didapat
Tantangandisipilin, jujur dan kerja keras
Oct 2021
Horrible management & working environment
Hal yang baikGreat colleagues since we're in the same boat
TantanganTop management encouraged blaming, accusing, distrust & shaming instead of problem solving. People's are on each other's throat. Audit aims to issue x amount of warning letter & x amount of PHK for the sake of efficiency, there's no tolerance even for human error. Managerial level & up are a bunch of egoistic & bully bosses, can't direct & offer fast solution nor taking actions, very indecisive & ambiguous, often pointing fingers & bring down their own team but shamelessly took credit of achievements from previous leaders. They also conduct subjective promotion based on like dislike, never appreciate/recognise their teams hard work & effort, easily judged & criticized his team but never give constructive input. Meetings spent for collecting & writing updates so he can report to higher ups but no advise given.
3 orang menganggap ini membantu
May 2021
BSD1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Too Many Bosses
Hal yang baikGood Compensation & Benefit
TantanganEvery time Design Changing, by USER/Operational
Mar 2021
tangerang selatan1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
ex-GP | It was decent, then the new management turns this place to upside down
Hal yang baik1. Very great colleagues 2. You can learn how to take care of non-medical issues way more than the real medical issues 3. Weird working environment. It trains adaptability
Tantangan1. You are not a doctor here, you are administration staff. You learn how to take care of non-medical issues way more than the real medical issues, ironically, even when you are a doctor. Almost zero hands-on experience with the patient. Too busy handling non medical things than the patient themselves. 2. Real weird electronic medical record system that is totally not helping with job effectiveness and efficiency (on the contrary, it slows us even more and the higher ups / back office don't want to hear about that). 3. a.) Terrible supervisors. b.) Catastrophic human resource management. c.) Terrible back-office management. They only care about revenue. No speck of care to health workers struggle, hardship, and workload. 4. Crazy impossible workload. No time for eating, drinking, or even relieving yourself. 5. Overtimes are considered occupational risk and will not be compensated. Even annual and sick leaves cut your pays. 6. Messy payroll. No transparent details. Salaries often come late with questionable amount transferred that no one could explain. 7. Little-to-none opportunities for educational development.
Mar 2021
TangerangLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Pure pressure
Hal yang baikExperience of working under extreme pressure
TantanganHorrible work environment and culture, horrbible management, horrible system. The audit is extreme (sudden employee cut are not surprising) and everyone is scared of audit. Very very high turnover rate, even managerial level are known to resign before 1 year of working here. I really advise to not choose to work in here even if the offering is quite high, it is not worth your sanity.
2 orang menganggap ini membantu
Account executives
Nov 2020
BSD3 to 4 years in the role, current employee
Pekerjaan cenderung santai dan bisa diatasi, namun setelah pandemi pekerjaan menjadi bertambah.
Hal yang baikTim bekerja dengan baik, baik dari divisi yang sama maupun tim antar divisi.
TantanganTantangan yang terjadi yaitu karena adanya pandemi ini sebagai account executive hanya dapat mengandalkan penjualan dari pemeriksaan rapid test dan swab test, sehingga kurang dapat melakukan penjualan ke perusahaan, asuransi maupun komunitas dibandingkan sebelum adanya pandemi ini.
Sep 2020
Hal yang baikSistem dokumentasi digital yg up to date
Tantanganjumlah pasien dengan kebutuhan tenaga dan beban kerja tidak sesuai
Asisten apoteker
May 2020
Eka hospital pku1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Pernah bekerja sebagai admin rawat inap
Hal yang baikLebih banyak mengenal obat dengan baik dan skala besar
TantanganMakan tidak tepat waktu
Mar 2020
Kota Harapan Indah, Pusaka Rakyat, Bekasi, West Java, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Pelayanan eka hospital
Hal yang baikGaji tepat waktu Lingkungan kerja baik Profesional
TantanganAlat2 masih banyak belum tersedia Obat2an masih kurang Coorporate bukan medis jadi kurang paham kebutuhan rs utk meningkatkan pelayanan medis
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Jan 2020
Cibubur, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Pengalam pertama memasuki dunia kerja
Hal yang baik-Menambah ilmu khususnya Gizi -Pengalaman bekerja yang baik
Tantangan-Bekerja dengan ketring makanan sehingga sering terjadi perbedaan persepsi
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Medical representative
Aug 2019
Eka hospital BSD
Hal positif
Hal yang baikKejujuran, asli, bersifat bersih dan berpacu pada ketuhanan yang maha Esa sesuai sumpah profesi
TantanganKepercayaan antar pegawai dan atasan yang seharusnya saling percaya dan tidak saling menuduh maupun menjatuhkan posisi yang lebih rendah
Logistics executive
Aug 2019
Jalan Kompleks Bsd, Lengkong Wetan, South Tangerang City, Banten, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Review Eka Hospital
Hal yang baikBudaya kerja kekeluargaan yang baik.
TantanganSelama ini tidak ada kesulitan dalam pekerjaan yang tidak dapat diselesaikan. Karena dilakukan secara bersama-sama baik dengan pemimpin langsung ataupun diluar divisi.
penunjanh medis, farmasi. Asisten Apoteker
Jul 2019
CBD Lot x BSD tangerang selatan1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
Hal yang baikdapat belajar banyak hal di eka hospital
Tantangantidak ada kendala karena selalu di bimbing agar seger pandai dalam setiap pekerjaan
Jun 2019
Jalan Boulevard BSD Timur, Sampora, Tangerang, Banten, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
Tentang Eka Hospital
Hal yang baikDisini harus disiplin dan cara berpakaiannya pun sangat rapi.
TantanganDisini terkadang ada beberapa senior yang sukanya menyuruh2 saja
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Cath lab
Nov 2018
Pekanbaru, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Pengalaman bekerja dengan berbagai kasus hanya gaji tidak meningkat
Hal yang baikPerusahaan dengan support dana yang besar tidak pernah terlambat gajian
Ulasan Perusahaan yang ditampilkan di situs kami adalah pandangan dan opini penulis, tidak mewakili pandangan dan opini Jobstreet atau karyawannya. Jobstreet tidak memverifikasi kebenaran atau keakuratan ulasan dan tidak mendukung komentar apa pun yang diposting. Jobstreet menampilkan ulasan apa adanya dengan tujuan informasi semata untuk membantu kandidat menemukan pekerjaan.