Sekilas tentang perusahaan

Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics
Ukuran perusahaan
101-1.000 karyawan
Lokasi utama
Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 26,5 Kampung Cimanggung Klapanunggal Cileungsi Kab. Bogor 16820
In the structural business world, PT Danusari Mitra Sejahtera (DMS) has grown rapidly and become one of the main players in the steel structure and steel tower fabricator company in Indonesia. DMS currently have the capability of fabricating tower and steel frame products, and has experienced since 2007. Besides steel business, since 2010 we also began producing lightweight concrete panel.
The rapid and dynamic progress that we experienced are certainly related to DMS commitment in serving all Customers and fully supported by appropriate and adequate machines/ facilities and proven competent personnel that mastering various technical aspects of towers (telecommunication and PLN/electricity transmission), steel construction, and lightweight concrete.
Our progress is also supported by the attitudes of our experts that are always providing the best to achieve Customer satisfaction; and working in a solid environment teamwork to produce best quality product.
To exist along with the dynamics development from time to time, DMS always adapt itself to the increasingly advanced technological developments. One of them is by applying the latest computer software programs, in order to create fast, more productive results and precision in the fabrication process. Since 2009, DMS also has obtained the quality certificate, ISO 9001:2008.
To achieve cost production effectiveness and efficiency, DMS products are strictly under comprehensive price calculation to enable to provide reasonable price offers without compromising the quality of the products and the services provided by DMS.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority, by continuously improving the quality and timeliness of delivery according to Customer desires.


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