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Administration Marketplace
Jul 2019
Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, current employee
I already joined with this company as an admin marketplace staff, The company Really so interesting, Comfort and really enjoyed work here
Hal yang baikHave collague so good like them and boss really humble even you're just a staff, banyak cemilan, Saling berbagi. I cant descripes anymore but I can tell you that work here so happy, But I need to do new things so i choose to leave the comfort zone and fly to outside to get more experience. Really recomended to join with this company, but to be honest arround this company so expensive everything, So difficult to save money here and the location of the office is so strategist. Near from coffee shop, mall , food cord and atm center also train station.
Tantanganfrom my experience that my challenge are work overtime, need to most patience because i worked as a customer, need to strong or not baper :D then you need to be humble. happy to share what you have and the most important you need to be soft person
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