Bitter SweetHal yang baikThere were some mates i could talk to, that's God.
Generally, the people are so fun, the location is really good, it's easy to find it. The office is quite comfortable. Designing things was really fun, you can learn something new here.
TantanganAt least i could use my \"design\" skills well. It was good to asked the staff to work on other things they weren't skill at, so they will have a new skill. We all could accept that with pleasure.
Well, to tried those other things without any guidance from the \"senior\" a.k.a you learned it yourself and then you'd be blamed for that and you'd be criticized behind your back for all the good or bad things you've done, is so stressful.
At least try to talk to the staff individually to make the staff working better, talk at the back while it won't make any thing better and solved. If the facilities, the salary, the benefits and the contract were good, people would've really enjoyed working here.