PENGUMUMAN :PT Citra Pesona Hijau tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.PT Citra Pesona Hijau tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan travel agent / biro perjalanan tertentu dalam proses rekrutmen.Apabila Anda diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam bentuk pembayaran tiket pesawat dan hotel atau akomodasi lainnya agar diabaikan.Jangan memberikan data pribadi atau data keuangan Anda kepada siapapun.Jika membutuhkan klarifikasi lebih lanjut dapat langsung menghubungi PT Citra Pesona HijauPT. CITRAPESONA HIJAU is established in May 1992. It has 2 major departments, the design department and the construction departmentThe name of the “ Citrapesona Hijau” has the meaning of the” impression of the beauty of the green”.The philosophy is rooted in the evoking of the mankind awareness of the preservation of the valuable godcreation “ the Beauty of the Landscape “. In the first years of its establishment, the firm also served the construction of the design. But after the economic crisis in Indonesia was over in 1998, it specialised only in landscape designAs the principal and founder of PT. CITRAPESONA HIJAU, Mrs. Linda Sutrisno set up her firmgoal to be only a Landscape Consultant and therefore released the Construction Department from the major field of the firm. By releasing the other department, the design department became very strong and got fully attention from all participants of the firm to create creative, fresh design ideas. There is also another goal that the founder had in mind, is to teach the Indonesia market how important is the value of the appropriate landscape design for any commercial projects