PT. Atri PasifikPT. Atri Pasifik is a company engaged in the field of trade and services and has status PMA and was established in September 2012, by jointly by PT. Sigmantara Alfindo and PT. Living Essentials MC Indonesia (MCLEI).In its development in 2014 PT. Atri Pasifik has made four (4) types of new business through cooperation with other investors (Joint Venture / JV). The new types of businesses engaged in the drinks and food along with distribution channels throughout the Indonesian market.Subsidiary PT. Atri Pasifik it self is PT. Munchy's Indonesia, PT. Yamazaki Indonesia, PT. Atri Distribusindo, PT. Ichi Tan Indonesia.Along with the growth of new businesses, hence the need for the management of a professional workforce, reliable and trustworthy to be placed in a company that became part of PT. Atri Pasifik.