Become a Stepping StoneHal-hal baikCompany will give you a Work life balance, Fun people, Good attitude & is the right thing for a beginner employee, trust me. Learn as much as you can get, improve your self & get knowledge in the world of insurance at Wahana Tata, the largest insurance company in Indonesia.
Note : Get an Insurance certificate like AAIK & AAIK for a better future.
Tantanganif you do not need a big salary (3-5/month) and choose work life balance as a priority then wahana tata is the right job for you, health protection will be a challenging because you get a small cover from illness.
Its a family company, so you must have a relationship if you want a good career, another way give everyone a lip service, good attitude, say yes for every task to be appointed as leader. Except for recruited professionals, prove that you deserve to be part of the company.
Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, if you have a good boss then pray for him, wish him a long life, then if you get bad boss with temperamental just be patient and don't kill yourself.