Apple Tree Pre School
3.2 total penilaian dari 9 ulasan

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Bekerja di Apple Tree Pre School

3.29 total penilaian
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Peringkat untuk Apple Tree Pre School dibagikan sebagaimana adanya dari karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan kami pedoman komunitas


Menampilkan 9 ulasan, diurutkan dari yang Terbaru
Urutkan berdasarkan
Jul 2024
South Tangerang Banten
Trapped and forced to do charity
Hal yang baikThe colleagues, if you know where to stand
TantanganLack of consideration, lack of appreciation, they get into your personal life, they ask you to work times times times harder and more for unnecessary things but they only care about the result. It almost feels like charity since you only get paid with only salary for the extra extra extra work they force you to do. Mind you, the salary itself is so low even under UMR. If you are sick? You can take a day off but they will talk about it. You are not only unappreciated materially (no bonus etc) but also treatment. They don't even let the parents appreciate you. They are very stingy to their employees, they see us like slaves. You won't feel like you are working as an educator except when you are in class. You almost have no personal life since they start controlling you too, at least for your social media. So many unwritten deals, even the written ones still can be twisted like you signed the contract to be a teacher in level A, suddenly, without your knowledge, you are assigned to level B and since they're passive-aggressive we can't really say anything. This school is so GREY and that's where they twist and play you. It's like Hogwarts when they are led by Umbridge. Words can't describe how negative this place is to be a workplace and you don't wanna know about it.
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Jun 2024
South Tangerang Banten
I feel like I'm doing charity while working here because you handle so much more than you imagine but you got paid for so low. Passive aggressive with the teachers when actually they force us to work beyond our responsibility. No bonus, sometimes not even reimbursement. We use our own money for little things, and it cannot be negotiated. Sudden ideas for event or changes, so we have to work extra extra hours just to fulfill this and got nothing back in return. I don't feel appreciated AT ALL.
Hal yang baikGood training for teachers
TantanganBad management, bad treatment, low salary
1 orang menganggap ini membantu
Assistant Teacher
Nov 2020
West Bekasi1 to 2 years in the role, former employee
My experience work in Apple Tree Pre- School Bekasi
Hal yang baikIn this school not only good for work but good for build Faith. Because every Friday in this school, they have a time for worship.
TantanganNothing hard to do if we want to learn.
Assistant teacher
Jul 2019
Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
Keluarga baru bagi saya
Hal yang baikMengajarkan hal yang mudah secara kasat mata namun ternyata sangat berharga. Belajar dan bermain dalam waktu yang bersamaan bersama anak2 sangat menyenangkan bagi saya .
TantanganBerkomunikasi dengan anak-anak karena masing2 memiliki berbeda karakter. Ketika harus memarahi anak untuk kebaikan anak tersebut agar tidak terjadi hal2 yang diinginkan
Kindergarten teacher
Jan 2019
Jalan Bisma Raya, RT.2/RW.9, Sunter Agung, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
sangat baik
Hal yang baikmenambah pengalaman saya tentang dunia pendidikan terutama dalam mengajar anak usia dini, dimana saya harus seorang guru yang kreatif sehingga dapan membuat anak usia dini tertarik dengan pengajaran saya, dan juga saya belajar banyak tentang pembuatan lesson plan, time table dan persiapan bahan pembelajaran yang dapat mendukung pelajaran anak.
Tantangankesulitan saya dalam mengajar usia dini yaitu anak usia dini masih kurang mengerti ketika kita ajak berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris dikarenakan dua bahasa yang orangtua mereka gunakan sehingga membuat mereka bingung ketika berkomunikasi.
Feb 2018
Bekerja terorganisir
Hal yang baiksemua kerja sudah ada guidelines nya
TantanganMenghadapi SDM di daerah cenderung lebih lambat.
Mandarin teacher
Nov 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia1 to 2 years in the role, current employee
It is good to be here
Hal yang baikWorking with children and fun atmosphere
TantanganLesson plan needs to be upgraded
Training Teacher
Nov 2017
BSD City, South Tangerang City, Banten, IndonesiaLess than 1 year in the role, former employee
Wrong decision from headmisstress ending firing me
Hal yang baikNew Knowledge
TantanganI was accepted to handle a new class which to be started within 3 days while Sunday wasnt counted. The headmisstress clearly receive me by making a gamble because this level is new to me. So I have to master new methodology, change my teaching style within 2 days of work days while she also gave me task to decorate class. When I asked for more 30 minutes to be in the class just to refresh my mind of what the headmisstress just role play in front of me, the office girl didn't want to understand and the other staff told them to lock me in the school. On the next days I was the one to be fired and this headmistress said easily that I had to call the previous employer that I reject, well, we all know that this employer will definitely offended, and it happned! I was jobless for the next 60 days , she should have paid me this! This is no human civilization at all headmistress. Within these 60 days I try to apply to the other branches in the hope that I can change as she said I have a bad character. But all of this invite me for interview and one even cancel it within 5 minutes. I suspect they made a call to this headmistress. She even prayed for me that day!
6 orang menganggap ini membantu
Kindergarten teacher
May 2017
South Jakarta, Jalan Senopati, Selong, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia3 to 4 years in the role, former employee
I like to work hard and friendly to the others
Hal yang baikI can communicate with all people well. I am so happy to work here because we can work together and we can get the good result. The leader that I have was so kind to all employer, she can lead us in the right way. I hope this institute can be better in the future.
TantanganI don't want to work in this Institute anymore because Saturday is working day. I want that I will not work on Saturday. I hope I can get the company that I will not work on Saturday in Jakarta. This is is my dream!
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